The payment solution for pilots and successful airports

Press material for downloading

aerops is the smart alternative to cash-, customer- or invoice accounts 
for airports and airfields and the simple solution for paying airport fees via app for pilots.


Here you can download the latest press releases and various press material.
We would be pleased if you would mentioning us or write about us.

You are also welcome to contact us directly:

Press contact:

Phone : +49 176 21872736


Materials to download

Here you can download logos and photos if you want to publish something about us.


The white logo can be used with a black and dark blue (#23455F) background.
Place the dark blue logo on white and light blue (#82B0D2) backgrounds.

Photos & Screenshots

These photos are suitable for direct downloading for online magazines (web resolution). If you need material for print, please contact us.

Image photos for app use

aerops partner airports

Press contact:

Phone : +49 176 21872736
